8天就死去的怪兽的12天故事,The 12 Day Tale of the Monster that Died in 8
- 片名:8天就死去的怪兽的12日谈
- 状态:HD
- 主演:斋藤工/武井壮/
- 导演:岩井俊二/
- 年份:2020
- 地区:日本
- 类型:剧情片/剧情/
- 时长:内详
- 上映:未知
- 语言:日语
- 更新:2024-08-03 12:17
- 简介:What can we do to fight an invisible enemy like Covid-19? Japanese special-effects wizard Higuchi Shinji thinks we should use our Godzilla toys as magic-conductive tools for this fight, and put an instruction video on YouTube. Iwai Shunji took up the idea and turned it into a 12-part internet series about the way model/actor/director Saitō Takumi (playing himself) passes his so...
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